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supergold card, from

The SuperGold card scheme was introduced in 2008 and has proven to be very popular amongst older NZers- the card is free and entitles the bearer to varied discounts in the community as well as free off-peak public transport. The card was originally a political achievement for Winston Peters, who has a reputation for representing the over-65 set. The card has been widely described as ‘recognition for the contribution older NZers have made to their country.’

But some people are beginning to worry about this form of recognition. According to this recent opinion piece, the SuperGold card is now costing the taxpayer more than $23 million every year, and  even though the scheme is growing and collecting substantially more discounters on board, even Transit has been reviewing how they can keep the card financially viable. Part of the problem could be that the elderly population is quickly growing in NZ and all over the Western world- in NZ SuperGold cardholders are increasing by 20,000 every year.

The problem was even discussed on Kiwiblog, where it was suggested that if there must be a discount, perhaps there could still be a minimal payment made by cardholders to counter the huge costs that free off-peak travel clocks up.

Despite all of this, Winston Peters is still adamant that more could be done to improve the card scheme. He is keen to see it expanded to include discounts on electricity and GP visits. Looks like this is unlikely to happen any time soon.